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Gal Young 'Un Movie Review

Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 1981, Gal Young ‘Un is set during the Prohibition era, in which a rich, middle-aged woman living on her property in the Florida backwoods finds herself courted by a much younger man. She discovers she is being used to help him set up a moonshining business. Unsentimental story of a strong woman, based on a Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings story. Director Victor Nunez won his second Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 1993 for Ruby in Paradise, starring 1994's Independent Spirit Award winning actress Ashley Judd.

1979 105m/C Dana Preu, David Peck, J. Smith, Timothy McCormack, Gene Densmore, Jenny Stringfellow; D: Victor Nunez; W: Victor Nunez; C: Victor Nunez. Sundance Film Festival ‘81: Grand Jury Prize. VHS

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