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From Hollywood to Deadwood Movie Review

An interesting blend of humor and the private eye genre can be found in Rex Pickett's From Hollywood to Deadwood. Pickett's clever script helped to bolster the wonderful rapport between the two leads, played by San Francisco Bay Area actors Scott Paulin and Jim Haynie. They play two private eyes in search of Lana Dark, a mysterious actress who fled in the middle of her latest movie. Haynie and Paulin bring a likeable, self-effacing quality to their scuzzy roles, but Barbara Schock can't act worth beans in the film's pivotal role. Still, this is a pretty good little film.

1989 (R) 90m/C Scott Paulin, Jim Haynie, Barbara Schock; D: Rex Pickett; W: Rex Pickett; C: Peter Deming. VHS, LV, Closed Caption

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