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Diamonds in the Snow Movie Review

In the city of Bendzin, Poland, three small children among thousands were being torn away from their families during the Nazi occupation. The little girls grew up to participate in the making of Diamonds in the Snow. The award-winning documentary is directed by Mira Reym Binford, who recalls her own experiences and interviews two others among the 12 surviving children of the town, Ada Raviv and Shulamit Levin. In Dr. Binford's case, her life was protected by another refugee who nonetheless beat her up. As an adult, she searches for his own children and learns that after the war they were treated no better than she was, a discovery that helps to heal much of her early pain and confusion.

1994 59m/C D: Mira Reym Binford. VHS

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsIndependent Film Guide - D