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Dealers Movie Review

If you like to watch Rebecca DeMornay and Paul McGann work, you can see them in Dealers, an incomprehensible drama about London high finance. For much of the film's running time, I had no idea what was going on or why. DeMornay and McGann work themselves into a frenzy to achieve a goal that neither seems to care about. After reading the press kit, which clarifies stuff that screenwriter Andrew Maclear should have explained onscreen, I didn't care, either. That's a fatal flaw for a 92-minute movie. Colin Bucksey's crisp direction and the attractive leads would be more effective in a better film. Also worth noting is Derrick O'-Connor, who does wonders with a sparsely written character role. woof!

1989 (R) 92m/C GB Rebecca DeMornay, Paul McGann, Derrick O'Connor; D: Colin Bucksey; W: Andrew Maclear; C: Peter Sinclair. VHS, LV

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