Blessing Movie Review
It's an unhappy time down on the Wisconsin dairy farm in this tale of family life. Embittered patriarch Jack (Guy Griffis) can barely make a go of it, and takes his frustrations out by beating his cows and climbing to the top of the silo. Despairing wife Arlene (Carlin Glynn) enters newspaper lotteries and collects religious statues while daughter Randi (Melora Griffis) keeps delaying leaving the farm because of a nagging sense of responsibility. Claustrophobic atmosphere. Writer/director Paul Zehrer was nominated for 1995's Independent Spirit Award for his first screenplay.
1994 94m/C Guy Griffis, Carlin Glynn, Melora Griffis, Gareth Williams, Clovis Siemon; D: Paul Zehrer; W: Paul Zehrer; C: Stephen Kazmierski; M: Joseph S. De-Beasi. Nominations: Independent Spirit Awards ‘95: First Screenplay. VHS