- Aging and Vision: Declarations of Independence (1985)
- America in 1968: Government and Politics (1979)
- America in 1968: People and Culture (1979)
- America in 1968: World Affairs (1979)
- American Folklore Series (197?)
- Animal Friends (1956)
- Animal Habitats (1956)
- Animals Move in Many Ways (1958)
- Animals That Fly (1961)
- The Ant and the Grasshopper (1980)
- As a Blind Person (1985)
- Asteroids, Comets, and Meteorites (1960)
- The Babysitters (1985)
- The Background of the Civil War (Revised) (1981)
- The Background of the U.S. Constitution (1984)
- Balance of Life and the Space Age (1963)
- Basic Math Series (1980)
- Battle of Yorktown (1981)
- Beauty and the Beast (1980)
- Behind the Scenes at the Supermarket (1958)
- Birds: A First Film (1984)
- Birds: How They Live, Where They Live: A First Film on Bird Ecology (1967)
- Birds of the Sandy Beach: An Introduction to Ecology (1965)
- The Birth and Death of Mountains (1961)
- The Boat That Jack Sailed (1973)
- Broderick (1980)
- Calories, Calories (1979)
- Canada: Our Northern Neighbor (Revised) (1978)
- Caperucita Roja (1961)
- Capitalization with Ralph and Stanley (1980)
- Captain Stormalong (1971)
- Casey Jones (1972)
- Caverns and Geysers (1961)
- Central America: An Introduction (1983)
- Central America: History and Heritage (1983)
- A Child Who Cheats (1968)
- Classic Tales Retold (1980)
- Classroom Management (1969)
- Clouds (1966)
- Clouds Above (2nd Edition) (1964)
- A Community Keeps Healthy (Revised) (1977)
- Consumer Education: Budgeting (Revised) (1979)
- Consumer Education: Installment Buying (Revised) (1979)
- Consumer Education: Retail Credit Buying (Revised) (1979)
- Critical Moments in Teaching Series (1971)
- The Cuna Indians: Island Exiles (1984)
- Cycles in Nature (1980)
- Darwin's Finches: Clues to the Origin of Species (1961)
- The Day Grandpa Died (1970)
- The Day the Insects Took Over (1970)
- December Holidays (1984)
- Descriptive Writing: Figurative and Literal (1979)
- Discovering Perspective (Revised) (1979)
- DNA: Key to Life (1984)
- Dragon Stew (1972)
- Earthquake! (1966)
- Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Revised) (1977)
- The Elephant Eats, the Penguin Eats: Nouns (1972)
- Energy Monsters: How to Starve Them (1978)
- Ethnic Dance around the World (1984)
- The Factory: How a Product Is Made (1957)
- The Family in the Purple House (1970)
- Farm Babies and Their Mothers (1954)
- Fast Is Not a Ladybug (1959)
- Finding the Main Idea (1984)
- The Fire Triangle (1962)
- Firehouse Dog (1956)
- The First and Fundamental R (1968)
- A First Film on Our Library (1967)
- A First Film on the Wind (1966)
- Food: Energy from the Sun (1966)
- Food for the City: Produce (1967)
- Food for the City: Wheat and Flour (1967)
- Fossils Are Interesting (1956)
- Fra Iacobus (1963)
- Fray Felipe (1963)
- Frere Jacques (1962)
- From the Face of the Earth (1970)
- Geometry: Points, Angles, Lines and Tigers (1965)
- Glooskap (1971)
- Grassland Regions: Farmers and Herders (1980)
- Gravity, Weight and Weightlessness (1963)
- The Great American Juggler (1988)
- Gymnastic Flashbacks (1970)
- Hand Tools for Metalworking (1968)
- Hand Tools for Woodworking (1968)
- Helicopter Helpers (1969)
- How Does a Garden Grow? (1962)
- How We Know about the Ice Ages (1964)
- How We Know the Earth Moves (1977)
- How We Know the Earth's Shape (1960)
- I Do Mind Dying (1985)
- I Walk Away in the Rain (1968)
- Image in a Mirror (1968)
- Indian Crafts: Hopi, Navajo, and Iroquois (1980)
- Introduction to Contour Drawing (1967)
- Introduction to Drawing Materials (1966)
- Introduction to Gesture Drawing (1967)
- John Nesbitt: Sculptor (1988)
- Just a Simple Misunderstanding (1970)
- Keeping in Top Shape (1984)
- La Gallinita Roja (1961)
- La Petit Poule Rouge (1961)
- Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (1967)
- Les Trois Ours (1960)
- Less Far than the Arrow (1968)
- Library Reference Section (1979)
- Life in the Ocean (1955)
- Life on a Dead Tree (1957)
- Light: A First Film (1984)
- Los Tres Osos (1960)
- Magic Orchard (1986)
- Mammals: A First Film (1984)
- Man Makes a Desert (Revised) (1985)
- Management of School Disruption and Violence (1984)
- Marijuana Alert! (1984)
- Meet Your Parent, Adult, Child (1975)
- Meeting Strangers: Red Light, Green Light (Revised) (1984)
- Mexico: An Introduction (1984)
- Modern Mathematics: Number Sentences (1966)
- Modern Mathematics: Sets (1966)
- Monkey See, Monkey Do: Verbs (1971)
- Mountain: A First Film (1969)
- Movement Exploration: What Am I? (1968)
- Mythology of Greece and Rome (1969)
- The New Kid (1972)
- A Nice Flying Machine (1985)
- The Ocean: A First Film (1968)
- Oceanography: Science of the Sea (1962)
- Our Changing Earth (1985)
- Paul Klee: Child of Creation (1970)
- Paul Revere's Ride (1964)
- Photosynthesis (1987)
- Plants of the Sea (1980)
- Portable Power Tools (1993)
- Prehistoric Animals of the Tar Pits (1957)
- Prehistoric Humans (1980)
- Rain: A First Film (1973)
- Reading Motivation Series (1972)
- The Reading Vocabulary Series (1973)
- Reading: Who Needs It? (1984)
- Report Card (1968)
- Reptiles Are Interesting (1955)
- Rip van Winkle (1979)
- The River: A First Film (1969)
- River of Ice: Life Cycle of a Glacier (1964)
- Rocks and Minerals (revised) (1977)
- Rocks That Reveal the Past (1962)
- Safety in Your Home (1980)
- School Shop Safety (1968)
- Sea Shell Animals (1955)
- The Seagoing Nomads of Bajao (1984)
- Self-Defense for Girls (1969)
- Shadows on Our Turning Earth (1962)
- Signs at the Shopping Center (1984)
- Silk Screen Fundamentals (1969)
- Silk Screen Techniques (1969)
- Slums in the Third World (1984)
- Softball: Skills and Practice (1967)
- Sound Waves and Stars: The Doppler Effect (1964)
- Soviet School Children (1968)
- Squirrels Are Up, Squirrels Are Down: Adverbials of Place (1972)
- Supply and Demand (1980)
- Telephone for Help (1968)
- The Television Picture and Those Who Make It (1980)
- Tense: Imperfect (1968)
- Tepoztlan (1970)
- Tepoztlan in Transition (1971)
- Third World: An Introduction (1984)
- This Is My Friend (1971)
- Transactional Analysis Series (1975)
- A Trip to Modern China (1973)
- Trogmoffy Reading Preparation Series (1971)
- Trucks in Our Neighborhood: A First Film (1967)
- 220 Blues (1970)
- The Ugly Duckling (1980)
- The U.S. Is: People (1979)
- Volleyball: Skills and Practice (1967)
- Walls (1968)
- Water: A First Film (1968)
- Water for the City (198?)
- Welcome to the Third Grade (1970)
- What Are Letters For: Consonant Combinations (1984)
- What Are Letters For: Vowels (1973)
- What Do I Know About Benny? (1968)
- What Is an Eclipse? (1965)
- What Is Poetry? (1968)
- What Is Rhythm? (1966)
- What's Alive? (1961)
- What's in a Play: Dramatic Action (1967)
- What's in a Story? (revised) (1977)
- A Whole New Ball Game (1973)
- Why the New World Was Explored (1968)
- Wild Animal Families (1957)
- The Years of Change Series (1979)
- Zoo Families (Revised) (1977)
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