- Adjustment Disorders: Simulated Depression, Anxiety, and Withdrawal (1986)
- Adult Health Maintenance Interview (1985)
- Adult Rumination Syndrome (1986)
- AIDS: Beyond the Policies, Caring for People (1989)
- Air Embolism Monitoring in Neurosurgery (1989)
- Alcoholism, a Family Problem (1978)
- Anaphylaxis (1987)
- The Anesthetist-Patient Interview Can Make a Difference for Children (1982)
- Ankle Block Anesthesia (1986)
- Assertive Behavior Training for Nurses (1982)
- Assessing the Cancer Pain Experience (1990)
- Asthma: Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment (1985)
- Autopsy: The Diagnostic Process for Improved Health Care (1985)
- A Bad Baseball (1983)
- Basal Ganglia (1982)
- Basic Clinical Skills Series (1984)
- Basic Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System (1987)
- Basic Physics of Ultrasound Imaging (1988)
- Basic Screening Examination of the Head and Neck (1977)
- Between Joy and Sorrow: Parents of Children with Serious Genetic Conditions (1990)
- Beyond Recognition (1990)
- Blood Smear (1987)
- Bone Marrow Examinations: Techniques and Indications in Adults and Children (1989)
- Brainstem and Cranial Nerves (1982)
- Branched Exam of the Ear, Nose & Throat (1988)
- Breast Self-Examination (1987)
- Bronchoscopic Needle Aspiration (1989)
- Bulimia (1986)
- Can You Say Pregnant? Sure (1980)
- Can Your Patient Hear? (1981)
- Care and Wrapping of the Above-the-Knee Stump (1979)
- Care and Wrapping of the Below-the-Knee Stump (1979)
- A Case Study of An Assembly Line (1987)
- C.C.P.D.: Another Alternative (1987)
- Cell Membranes and Cellular Communications (1988)
- Cellular Basis for the Genesis and Control of Cardiac Arrhythmias (1986)
- Cerebellum (1982)
- Childhood-Adolescent Disorders: Simulated Evaluations (1990)
- Children's Conception of Death (1974)
- Clinical Examination of the Breast (1988)
- Clinical Teaching: Clinical Application of Learned Concepts (1987)
- Code 311: A Coordinated Response to Disturbed Behavior (1990)
- The Colonoscopy Procedure (1988)
- Commitment Evaluation (1980)
- Common Neonatal Viral Infections (1983)
- Common Problems in Family Practice: Acute Dysuria in the Nonpregnant Female (1986)
- Complete Blood Count (1988)
- Confidence in Behavior Management (1986)
- Contemporary Management of the Below-Knee Amputee (1987)
- Contemporary Problems in Transfusion Medicine Series (1989)
- Control and Prevention of Malignant Melanoma (1988)
- Controlling Osmolarity in Clinical Solutions (1987)
- Coronary Blood Flow and Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (1983)
- Cultural Issues in Psychotherapy: Patients' Request for Therapists (1982)
- Developing and Delivering a Clinical Case Presentation (1981)
- Development: Neurological Approach to Assessment in Infancy and Childhood Series (1982)
- Diagnosis and Management of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (1985)
- Diagnostic Amniocentesis: Indications and Techniques (1985)
- The Diencephalon (1984)
- The Difficult Emotions Series (1987)
- Discussing AIDS with College Students: A Guide for Student AIDS Educators (1989)
- Does Smokeless Mean Harmless? (1988)
- Draping Laser Systems for Free-Hand & Microscopic Surgery (1989)
- Dysphagia: Treatment and Management (1987)
- Early Care and Management of the Spinal Cord Injury Patient (1985)
- Early Detection of Scoliosis (1990)
- Easing the Pelvic Exam for the Beginning Practitioner (1990)
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) (1990)
- Emotions (1988)
- Endoscopy Series: Esophagoscopy (1986)
- EtO (Ethylene Oxide) (1989)
- Examination of Hip and Thigh (1976)
- Examination of the Newborn (1980)
- Family Issues: Patterns of Family Interaction (1982)
- Filter Mounting Procedure (1986)
- G. Patton, M.D. (1980)
- Gastrointestinal Intubation (1984)
- Gestational Diabetes: You Are in Charge! (1989)
- Giving Your Child a Smile: Correcting Cleft Lip and Palate (19??)
- Gross Anatomy Prosection Demonstration Series (1984)
- Gross Pathology Made Easy (1987)
- The Gynecologic Exam (1989)
- Head Injuries: Emergency Room Management (1986)
- The Heart and Blood Vessels: Review of Normal Morphology and Introduction to Pathology (1986)
- Hip Hip Hooray! Your Total Hip Replacement (1990)
- Histology Review Series (1982)
- History Taking with the Elderly (1986)
- Home Assessment: The Key to Managing Chronic Disease (1988)
- How to Conduct a Lower Back Exam (1988)
- How to Use the Otoscope and the Ophthalmoscope (1987)
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: An Introduction for Patients (1988)
- Hypnosis in Psychotherapy (1981)
- Hypnosis Series (1981)
- The Hypnotist (1981)
- I.C.I.A.R.C.: A Procedure for Examining Gross Pathological Specimens (1985)
- I.C.M.I.A.D.: A Procedure for Examining Microscopic Pathological Specimens (1986)
- The Illusion of Reality: Cosmetics for the Burned Patient (1989)
- The Incompetent Cervix (1985)
- The Incontinent Female (1985)
- Infant Care Series (1982)
- Infection Control in the Health Care Setting (1989)
- The Infratemporal Region (1980)
- Inoculation of Cultures (1987)
- Insertion and Management of Chest Tubes and Underwater Sealed Drainage Systems (1987)
- Instrument Preparation and Care for Pediatric Endoscopic Procedures (1984)
- Interviewing Techniques, Part 1 (1981)
- Interviewing Techniques, Part 2 (1981)
- Interviews that Find and Interviews that Blind (1985)
- Intravenous Therapy (1984)
- Introduction to Group Process: Member Behaviors in a Group (1982)
- Introduction to Infant Care (1982)
- Introduction to Normal Structure and Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract (1986)
- Introduction to Normal Structure and Pathology of the Liver (1986)
- Issues of Cystic Fibrosis Series (1989)
- It's Amazing What Can Be Learned in Twelve Months (1989)
- Jeanie (1984)
- The Judgment (1982)
- Juvenile Diabetes: One Family's Story (1987)
- Leukemias (1986)
- Listening and Responding Skills (1985)
- Lyme Disease: What You Need to Know (1990)
- Male Genitourinary Examination (1982)
- Management of Upper and Lower Airways (1987)
- The Manic Depression Illness: Agony & the Ecstasy Series (1990)
- Marketing for Black Physicians (1987)
- Measurement of the Patient's Blood Pressure (1987)
- Medical Malpractice: The Physician as a Witness (1984)
- Medical Management of the Sexually Abused Child (1984)
- Medical Terminology Series (1982)
- Medical Treatment of Headache (1985)
- The Medulla Oblongata (1984)
- The Mesencephalon (1984)
- Minimizing Radiation Exposure of the Breast During Scoliosis Radiography (1988)
- The Minotaur (1979)
- Moonstones (1985)
- MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (1987)
- Multiple Sclerosis (1985)
- Nasolaryngoscopy. . .The Inside View (1989)
- Neurobiology Series (1984)
- Neuropathology Laboratory Sessions (1986)
- Normal and Abnormal Peripheral Blood: Red Cell Morphology (1986)
- Normal and Abnormal Peripheral Blood: White Cell Morphology (1986)
- Normal Bone Marrow (1986)
- Not Alone in the World: Caring for Someone with Alzheimer's Disease (1987)
- The Nurse/Patient Relationship (1982)
- Nursing Responsibilities in Screening and Detection of Breast Cancer (1984)
- Nutritional Aspects of Breastfeeding (1990)
- Nutritional Assessment in Primary Care (1985)
- Obstetrical Anesthesia (1985)
- Office Diagnosis and Management of Anxiety Disorders (1985)
- The Older Adults Series (1986)
- Once Upon a Couch: Gretel (1982)
- Oral Cancer Screening (1984)
- The Other Side of Rape (1982)
- The Other Victim: Coping and Caring Techniques for the Caregivers of Alzheimer's Patients (1987)
- Overview of Laryngectomy: Pre-op and Post-op Care (1984)
- A Patient-Centered Approach to Improving Compliance (1990)
- Patients . . . Are People, Too (1986)
- Patterns of Family Interaction (1982)
- The Pelvic Examination and Pap Smear (1989)
- Personality Disorders Simulated (1989)
- Physical Assessment of the Elderly (1985)
- Physical Examination of the Elderly (1984)
- Positioning for Neurosurgical Anesthesia (1989)
- Posterior Cervical Spine Stabilization (1988)
- Pre-operative Experience (1989)
- Prevention of Suicide (1986)
- The Principles of Blood Typing (1989)
- Problems in High-Risk Pregnancy (1985)
- Procedures for the Family Physician Series (1985)
- Processes of Aging: A Discussion Trigger (1986)
- Psychosocial Care Series (1986)
- Psychotherapy Vignettes (1987)
- Pulmonary Artery Cannulation: Anatomical Considerations (1987)
- Recognizing Drug-Seeking Behavior: An Interview with Henry Douglas Mathews (1989)
- Reflex Hammer Technique (1987)
- Remodeling the Scars: A Patient's Guide to Compression Garments (1989)
- The Respiratory System: Review of Normal Morphology and Introduction to Pathology (1986)
- Rigid Sigmoidoscopy (1988)
- Scoliosis (1980)
- Screening Physical Examination (1985)
- SEARCH: The Art of Observation in Pediatrics (1988)
- Seclusion (1985)
- Second Breath: A Guide for Home Tracheostomy Care (1982)
- Shake, Rattle and Roll: Wheelchair Dancing (1989)
- A Shared Understanding: Bridging Racial and Socioeconomic Differences in Doctor-Patient Communication (1990)
- Simulated Patient Training Series (1988)
- Simulated Psychiatric Profiles (1987)
- Single Photon Emission Computed Tomagraphy for the Evaluation of Renal Function (1986)
- Spinal Cord Injury: Avoiding Skin Injuries and Infections (1986)
- Spirometry--The Three Elements of Effective Testing (1980)
- Sterile Technique (1984)
- Suicide: A Teenage Dilemma (1988)
- Surgical Drains (1984)
- Surgical Dressings (1984)
- Surgical Scrub, Gowning, and Gloving: Closed Method (1986)
- Suture and Staple Removal (1984)
- Teaching the Gynecologic Examination of the Disabled Patient (1989)
- Therapeutic vs. Non-Therapeutic Communication (1978)
- Toxoplasmosis: An Update (1987)
- Transfusion of Dialysis Patients (1989)
- Transuterine Resection of Fibroids (1989)
- Type II Diabetes: A Stranger in Your Midst (1990)
- Ultrasound: A Window to the Womb (1987)
- Understanding and Treating Incontinence Series (1989)
- Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions: An Approach to Patient Care (1990)
- Ureteroscopic Management of Difficult Ureteral Calculi (1989)
- Use of Laboratory Tests in the Diagnosis of Liver Disease (1988)
- Venipuncture and Arterial Puncture Techniques (1986)
- Vibration Syndrome (1988)
- Vulnerabilities of the Premature Infant (1982)
- Why So Many Lab Tests? (1982)
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