- Abnormalities of the Mitral Valve (1982)
- Abortion in Adolescence (1983)
- Accutane and the Vitamin A Analogs (1983)
- Acetaminophen and Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdoses (1981)
- Acholic Stools and Abdominal Mass in an Infant (1987)
- Acquired Heart Disease as Seen on Chest X-Ray (1982)
- Acute Abdomen (1986)
- Acute Abdominal Pain and Appendicitis in Children (1983)
- Acute Asthma (1986)
- Acute Digitalis Toxicity (1982)
- Acute Ophthalmologic Emergencies in Children (1982)
- Acute Renal Failure in Children (1983)
- Acute Surgical Abdomen in Children (1986)
- Acutely Decompensated Diabetes Mellitus (1981)
- Adolescent Growth, Development and Puberty Delay (1982)
- Advances in Leukemia (1981)
- The Aging Heart (1982)
- Aging Patients: Are We Doing Them Any Favors? (1982)
- Aging Skin (1986)
- AIDS: A Deck of Cards (1985)
- AIDS: An Olde or New Acquaintance? (1985)
- AIDS in the Pediatric Age Group (1986)
- Airway Management (1985)
- Alcohol Withdrawal (1982)
- Allergic Aspergillosis: Growing Recognition of a Problem (1986)
- Allergy Immunotherapy: Principles, Practice, and Prospects for the Future (1983)
- Anatomy of Shoulder Arthroscopy Cadaver Demonstration (1983)
- Anemia of Chronic Disease: A Disorder or an Adjustment? (1982)
- Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy with Dysprotinemia: What Was It and Where Did It Go? (1987)
- Anti-Microbial Resistance: Lessons from Clinical Epidemiology (1987)
- Antiobiotic Selection (1987)
- Aortic and Mitral Stenosis (1982)
- Approach to Ventricular Tachycardia (1986)
- Arthroplasty of the Shoulder: Cadaver Demonstration 1 (1983)
- Arthroplasty of the Shoulder: Cadaver Demonstration 2 (1983)
- Arthroplasty of the Shoulder: Unipolar and Total (1983)
- Arthroscopy and Arthroscopic Surgery (1980)
- Arthroscopy of the Shoulder (1983)
- Ascites, Pathogenesis, and Therapy (1983)
- Attitudes Toward Women in Ob/Gyn Residencies (1983)
- Atypical Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract (1983)
- Atypical Pneumonias (1983)
- Basics of Adolescent Medicine or How to Succesfully Treat Teenagers (1983)
- The Benefits of Treating Mild Hypertension (1983)
- Beta Blockers After Myocardial Infarction (1982)
- Biliary Atresia (1982)
- Blood Pressure Measurement in Children/Adolescents (1982)
- Blunt Trauma to the Heart (1986)
- Bone Marrow Transplantation: An Update & Overview (1987)
- Brain Abscess (1983)
- Breast Imaging (1986)
- Bronchodilators and Arrhythmias (1986)
- Calcium Channel Blockers: The Cardiovascular Drugs of the '80s (1982)
- Can We Arrest an Impending Myocardial Infarction? (1983)
- Cancer of the Colon and the Gynecologist/Obstetrician (1986)
- Carcinoma of the Colon: Etiology and Prevention (1981)
- Cardiac Arrythmias in Children (1983)
- Cardiac Effects of Antihypertensive Therapy (1984)
- Cardiac Procedures in Acute Care Situations (1982)
- Cardiac Rehabilitation for Nurses (1982)
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (1983)
- Cardiovascular Health in Post-Menopausal Woman (1988)
- Cardioversion (1983)
- The Care and Handling of Open Fractures (1980)
- Care of the Patient with Cancer (1981)
- Case: A Man with Intermittent Blindness Due to Transient Ischemic Attacks (1983)
- A Case of Addison's (1982)
- A Case of Congenital Eye Problems with a Chromosome Defect (1983)
- A Case of CSF Leak (1983)
- A Case of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (1983)
- Causes of Death and Illness That Can Be Prevented (1983)
- Causes of Malnutrition in Hospital Patients (1982)
- Central Venous Access (1983)
- Cervical Osteotomy, Posterior Cervical and Atlantoaxial Fusion (1982)
- Changing Concepts in Management of Myocardial Infarction: 30 Year Perspective (1984)
- Chemotherapy Sensitivity Testing: A Critical Appraisal (1983)
- The Chest X-Ray Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult (1983)
- Child Abuse and Sexual Molestation (1982)
- Chlamydial Infections (1982)
- Cholesterol Gall Stone Disease (1984)
- Circumcision (1983)
- Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of HTLV-3 Infection (1986)
- Clinical Decision-Making: Post Myocardial Infarction (1983)
- Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Supraventricular Tachycardia (1986)
- Clinical Judgment As a Science (1983)
- Color Doppler Echocardiography (1986)
- Coma in Children (1983)
- Common Gyn Problems Treatable in the Doctor's Office (1981)
- Communicating with a Difficult Patient (1987)
- Community-Acquired Pneumonia (1982)
- The Compleat Physician (1981)
- The Concepts of Love and Marriage (1986)
- Conduction Disease in Acute Myocardial Infarction (1985)
- Congenital Deformation of the Perineum and Pelvic Organs (1983)
- Congestive Heart Failure in Children (1983)
- Congestive Heart Failure: 1980 (1980)
- Consultative Medicine (1983)
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (1982)
- Controversial Therapies: Diets, Drugs, Demonics (1983)
- Coronary Disease: Bypass Surgery and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (1982)
- Coronary Heart Disease: The Quantitative Approach and Its Clinical Usefulness (1984)
- CPC: Menke's Syndrome or Steely Hair (1983)
- Cranial Facial Growth (1956)
- Critical Upper Airway Problems in Children (1983)
- Crohn's Disease (1987)
- Current and Future Uses of Calcium Antagonists (1982)
- Current Concepts in Collagen Vascular Diseases (1983)
- The Current Status of the Immunobiologic Relationship of the Fetal-Maternal Unit (1983)
- The Dangers of Unwise Exercise (1981)
- Dating Pregnancies by Ultra Sound (1983)
- Degenerative Joint Disease: Etiologic Factors and Pathophysiology (1984)
- Dementia (1982)
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis (1983)
- Dermatologic Diseases in Pregnancy (1983)
- Dermatologic Emergencies in Children (1983)
- Developmental Delay: Are Early Diagnosis and Intervention Important? (1983)
- Diabetic Care for Children (1986)
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children (1985)
- Diabetic Retinopathy (Modern Treatment) (1982)
- Diagnosis and Management of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (1987)
- Diagnosis and Management of Hot Joints (1982)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Complicated Myocardial Infarction (1983)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of End-Stage Renal Disease (1983)
- Differential Diagnosis of Proptisis in Pediatrics (1981)
- Disability Evaluation for the Social Security System (1983)
- Does Infection Cause Preterm Delivery? (1987)
- Drug Overdoses (1982)
- Drugs Used in Asthma (1983)
- Early Cardiac Rehabilitation After Myocardial Infarction (1981)
- Early Recognition of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (1980)
- Ectopic Pregnancy (1984)
- The Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs on Exercise Testing and Training (1983)
- Electrically Induced Osteogenesis (1982)
- The Electrocardiogram in Coronary Artery Disease (1982)
- Electrophysiology (1986)
- Electrophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardias (1986)
- Emergencies in the Delivery Room (1983)
- Emergency Management of Heat-Related Illness (1980)
- Endocrinology and Aging (1983)
- Endoscopic Versus Percutaneous Imaging of the Biliary Tree in Jaundiced Patients (1982)
- Enteroviral Infections in Newborns (1983)
- Environmental Lung Disease (1988)
- Evolution of Our Knowledge about the Heart (1981)
- Evolution of the Total Hip Replacement (1981)
- Examination of the Placenta (1981)
- Eye Screening in Young Children (1983)
- Febrile Seizures: Controversies (1984)
- Fiberoptic Bronoscopy: State of the Art (1984)
- Fluid and Electrolytes (1986)
- Follow-Up of Patients After Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot (1986)
- Fractures of the Proximal Humerus (1983)
- Fulminant Hepatic Failure (1983)
- Geriatric Urology (1983)
- G.I. Bleeding (1984)
- Glomerulonephritis (1986)
- Group B Beta--Hemolytic Streptococcus (1986)
- The Growing Crisis in Contraception (1987)
- Gynecological Surgery in Children and Adolescents (1986)
- Heart and Lung Abnormalities as Seen on Standard Chest X-Rays (1983)
- The Heart in Athletes (1987)
- Heart Transplantation (1984)
- Heat Stroke--Emergency Management (1986)
- Hemophilia and Von Willebrand's Disease (1982)
- Hepatitis A, B & C: Viruses & Their Detection (1980)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (1982)
- Herpes and Pregnancy (1984)
- Herpes in Schools (1986)
- Herpes Infections--Clinical Spectrum (1986)
- Herpes: Molecular Biology and Genetics (1984)
- Herpes of the Eye in the Newborn (1984)
- Herpes of the Eye of the Adult (1984)
- Herpes of the Mouth (1986)
- Herpes of the Skin (1986)
- High-Output Cardiac Failure (1986)
- Hip Problems in Children (1987)
- Hirschsprung's Disease--Constipation and Megacolon (1986)
- The Historical Antecedents of the Sexual Revolution (1984)
- The Hoffman External Fixation Technique Demonstration: Forearm and Wrist (1979)
- Hospice: The Grady Experience (1980)
- Hydrocephalus and Ventricular Shunts (1982)
- Hyperactivity and Learning Disabilities in Children (1986)
- Hypercalciuria in Childhood (1982)
- Hyperglycemia in the Diabetes Unit: I.V. Insulin (1981)
- Hypertension in the Obese and the Old (1986)
- Hyperthyroidism (1980)
- Hypokalemia (1983)
- Hypothyroidism: Diagnosis and Management (1980)
- Hypoxic Brain Damage: Clinical Diagnosic, Intervention and Outcome (1983)
- Immediate Post-Surgical Fitting for Upper and Lower Extremity Amputation (1982)
- Immunoglobulin Genes and the Rheumatoid Process (1983)
- Immunologic Changes with Aging (1983)
- Immunology of Herpes (1986)
- The Immunopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis (1981)
- Infection Control for Pregnant Personnel (1986)
- Infectious Diarrhea (1986)
- Infectious Disease, Emergencies in Children (1986)
- Infectious Mononucleosis (1984)
- Insulin Delivery System in Diabetes Mellitus (1982)
- Interpretation of Children's Blood Pressure (1984)
- Interpretation of Diagnostic Arthrography (1982)
- Intestinal Polyposis (1983)
- Intravenous Streptokinase in Acute MI: Experience in a Community Hospital (1986)
- Iron Deficiency Anemia in Women (1982)
- Is Nil Disease an Immunological Disease? (1984)
- Knee: Cruciate Ligament and Medial Anatomy (1980)
- Knee: Posterior Capsule and Lateral Anatomy (1980)
- The Laparoscope: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool (1982)
- Latency of Herpes Virus in the Host (1984)
- The Legal Aspects of Documentation for Nurses (1981)
- Life or Death in the Terminal Patient--Whose Decision Is It? (1986)
- Lifting and Moving of Patients (1981)
- Lipid Transport and Atherosclerosis (1980)
- Liver Disease (1987)
- Low Birth Weight (1986)
- Male Infertility (1982)
- Malignancies of the Heart (1983)
- Malignant Otitis Externa (1982)
- A Man with Intermittent Blindness Due to Transient Ischemic Attacks (1986)
- Management of Adults with Aortic Valve Disease (1986)
- Management of Patients with Chronic Valvular Regurgitation (1987)
- Management of Potentially Blinding Eye Problems (1981)
- The Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1981)
- The Management of Traumatic Peripheral Nerve Injuries (1982)
- The Many Faces of Sarcoidosis (1980)
- Marrow Transplant for Aplastic Anemia (1982)
- Mechanisms in the Production of Fever (1982)
- Medical and Surgical Treatment of Mitral Stenosis (1986)
- Medical Decision Making (1983)
- Medical Malpractice in Georgia (1986)
- Medications for Coughs and Colds (1980)
- Menopause (1983)
- Menopause and Estrogen Replacement Therapy (1988)
- The Metabolic Effects of Oral Contraceptives (1987)
- Mitral Valve Prolapse (1988)
- Mitral Valve Prolapse: Normal Variant vs. Pathologic Entity (1986)
- Modern Therapy of Acute and Chronic Angina Pectoris (1983)
- Monoclonal Antibodies: Therapeutic Trials (1983)
- Motility Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (1981)
- M.R.I.: A View of Congenital Heart Disease (1987)
- Myloconic Encephalopathy (1985)
- Myocardial Infarction Due to Coronary Artery Aneurysm (1986)
- Myoglobinuria (1986)
- Near Drowning in Children (1982)
- Neonatal Anemia (1982)
- Neonatal Ascites (1986)
- Neonatal Emergencies (1987)
- Neural Plasticity: Regeneration and Transplantation (1983)
- Neurosurgical Vascular Disorders in Childhood (1983)
- New Approaches to the Treatment of Heart Failure (1986)
- New Perspectives on Oral Contraceptives (1986)
- New Premises and New Tools for Medical Education (1984)
- New Radiodiagnostic Methods for Children (1986)
- New Strategies in Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia (1982)
- New Thoughts About an Old Disease (1987)
- New Ways that the Microbiology Laboratory Can Help Clinical Practice (1983)
- Newborn Emergencies (1986)
- Newborns with Hypothyroixinema (1986)
- Newer Aspects of Thallium Scanning (1982)
- Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology & Treatment (1986)
- Nurse Midwifery from a National Perspective (1983)
- The Nurse's Role in Organ Procurement (1986)
- Nursing Care for Patients with AIDS (1983)
- Nutrition in Aging (1983)
- Obstetric Ultrasounds (1986)
- On Pain--What to Do for It (1981)
- On Valvular Regurgitation (1982)
- Oral Contraceptives: A Reappraisal (1985)
- Oral Hydration (1986)
- Osteoporosis: Can We Prevent It? (1986)
- Osteoporosis: How Can We Treat It? (1985)
- Otitis Media in Children (1986)
- Outcome and Arrhythmias After Cardiac Surgery (1986)
- Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors (1983)
- Overview of AIDS and Human T-Cell Lymphocytotropic Virus-3 (HTLV-3) Infections (1986)
- Pap Smear Diagnosis of Herpes: Cytology and Histopathology (1984)
- Papilledema (1982)
- Paracentesis (1983)
- Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis (1985)
- The Patient-Doctor Relationship (1983)
- Patient Presentation: Pulmonary Edema and Hypotension (1987)
- Pedicle Bone Grafting for Femoral Neck Fractures (1981)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (1986)
- Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PICA) (1982)
- Placenta Previa (1985)
- Polycythemia Hyperviscosity in the Neonate (1984)
- Portal Hypertension (1983)
- Portal Hypertension and Liver Function (1985)
- Practical Toxicology (1983)
- Pre-op Consultation for the Patient with Ischemic Heart Disease (1986)
- Pregnancy Tests (1984)
- Prenatal Surgery in Utero (1983)
- Preventing Cerebral Palsy Due to Neonatal Asphyxia (1986)
- Preventing Hospital Spread of Tuberculosis (1982)
- Primary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease (1987)
- Principles of Patient Education: Focus on Diabetic Education (1984)
- The Prognostic & Theraputic Implications of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Unstable Angina & Acute Infarction (1986)
- The Prospects of Nuclear War: Medical and Psychological Concerns (1982)
- Psychological Aspects of Child Abuse (1981)
- Psychological Aspects of Rape Victims (1986)
- The Psychology of Hysterectomy (1985)
- Pulmonary Atresia (1982)
- Pulmonary Embolism: Recognition and Management (1982)
- Pulmonary Eosinophilias (1986)
- Rabies (1982)
- Radiation Heart Disease (1986)
- Radiology of the Abdomen (1982)
- A Rational Approach to the Evaluation of Anemia (1980)
- The Rational Use of Topical Medications (1986)
- Recent Advances in Surgery of Congenital Heart Disease (1982)
- Recent Research in Neonatology at Emory (1982)
- The Recognition and Treatment of Acute Hypertension (1982)
- Refugee Health Problems (1986)
- Renal Failure (1986)
- Renal Transplants in Children (1987)
- Renovascular Hypertension (1982)
- Reperfusion 1983: An Overview (1983)
- Respiratory Emergencies (1986)
- Respiratory Failure in Adults (1986)
- Respiratory Failure in Children (1983)
- Review of Asbestos Issues (1982)
- Rickets (1986)
- Right Ventricular Function in Health and Disease (1986)
- Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction (1982)
- Risks of Agent Orange and Birth Defects (1986)
- The Role of Anaerobic Bacteria in Pediatric Infections (1982)
- The Role of Vasodilators in Congestive Heart Failure (1983)
- Save Our Spleens (1980)
- Seizure Disorders: Treatment with Anticonvulsants (1983)
- Selection of Patients with Occlusive Disease for PTCA (1984)
- Serologic Testing for HTLV-3 Infections (1986)
- Sexual Abuse of Children: Family Structure & Family Dynamics (1983)
- Sexual Abuse of Children: General Overview (1983)
- Sexual Dysfunction: Loss of Sexual Desire (1984)
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases: 1980s Update (1986)
- Sherlockian Wisdom and Ventricular Ectopy (1987)
- Shock (1986)
- Shock Lung (1984)
- Shock Lung in Children (1984)
- Should Mild Hypertension Be Treated? (1983)
- The Shoulder: Anterior Surgical Approach (1980)
- Shoulder: Cervicobrachial Inlet (1980)
- The Shoulder: Posterior Surgical Approaches (1980)
- Sickle Cell Anemia: A Disease of the Red Cell Membrane (1982)
- Sickle Cell Disease During Pregnancy (1982)
- Sickle Cell Disease Emergencies (1983)
- Sickle Cell Disease "Genetics" (1986)
- Sigmoidoscopy (1983)
- Significance of Asymptomatic Ventricular Ectopy After Acute MI (1986)
- Silent Myocardial Ischemia (1986)
- Simple and Mixed Metabolic Acid-Base Disorders: A Clinical Approach (1986)
- Skin Peeling Therapy--Medium Depth Chemical Peel (1986)
- Smoke Inhalation (1981)
- Snakebites and Their Treatment (1980)
- Special Preparation of the Acetabulum (1981)
- Stable and Unstable Angina Pectoris (1987)
- Status Epilepticus (1982)
- Stress Ulcers (1984)
- Sudden Cardiac Death (1982)
- Sudden Death (1981)
- Sudden Death in Athletes (1985)
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome--Apnea, Sleep Studies and Monitoring (1983)
- Superior and Anterior Approaches to Shoulder Surgery Cadaver Demonstrations (1983)
- Supraventricular Arrhythmias--Recognition and Management (1986)
- Surgical Management of Intersex Problems (1981)
- Surgical Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1987)
- Surgical Office Trauma--Life Saving Procedures (1981)
- The Surgical Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease--1984 (1984)
- Surgical Treatment of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias (1986)
- Syncope (1982)
- Synocope in a 65-Year-Old Man (1983)
- Syphilis (1987)
- Systemic Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1986)
- Techniques in Arthroscopic Surgery (1981)
- Teenagers and Sexual Decision-Making (1983)
- Things That Bite and Sting (1984)
- Things to Remember About Amnesia (1981)
- Thoughts on Eosinophilia (1983)
- Thyroid Enlargements in the Euthyroid and Hypothyroid Subject (1983)
- Tics & Related Disorders (Tourette's Syndrome) (1983)
- Tics and Tourette's Syndrome (1987)
- To Have and Not to Have a Pregnancy (1986)
- Topical Corticosteroid Therapy (1984)
- Total Shoulder Rehabilitation (1983)
- Tracheal Intubation (1986)
- Transposition of the Great Arteries--A Medical and Surgical Challenge (1985)
- Trauma: Part 1 (1983)
- Trauma: Part 2 (1983)
- Trauma: Part 3 (1983)
- Traveler's Diarrhea (1982)
- Treating the Elderly: A Challenge for Physicians (1983)
- Treating Uncomplicated Hypertension (1980)
- The Treatment of Lupus (1986)
- Treatment of Maturity Onset Diabetes (1978)
- Tricyclic Anti-depressant Overdose: Cardiac Toxicity (1985)
- Troubleshooting Pacemakers (1982)
- Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Infections in Childhood (1982)
- Two Patients with Angina (1983)
- Ultrasound in Pregnancy--The N.I.H. Consensus Statement (1986)
- Understanding the Fundamentals of Drug Actions--The Central Role of Calcium (1982)
- An Update in Cardiac Rehabilitation (1980)
- The Use of Ultrasonography in Gynecology (1982)
- Vaccines--New Information (1986)
- Valve Replacement in Children (1986)
- Variceal Bleeding (1987)
- A View of the Heart from the Outside Looking In (1982)
- Virilization and Hirsutism (1983)
- Vulvar Disease from a Dermatologist's View (1986)
- What Do I Do with a Positive Ana? (1981)
- Work-Up of Immunodeficiency in Children (1986)
- The World Cigarette Pandemic--And How to End It (1984)
- The Wrist: Anatomy of the Digital Radio Ulnar Joint Articulations (1984)
- A Young Man with a Sports Injury: Myocardial Contusion (1983)
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